Having an effective internet marketing strategy is all about having the right tools to promote your company, products, and services to your desired target audience. When used effectively, internet marketing can help you reach a broader audience far past the confines of your brick and mortar institution. One of the most essential tools in internet marketing that can help you increase traffic and bring in more leads is your search ranking.
When people go to the internet, they are searching for ways to solve problems, often through the use of products and services, and the most common tool they use to achieve this goal is a search engine. Since most users will not go beyond the first page of results, it is crucial to be as high as you can on search rankings so that you have a chance to attract your audience.
What Does it Take to Get Raked Higher?
One of the best ways to achieve a higher ranking on popular search engine sites is by determining the right set of keywords. These are the words that are most likely to be entered into the search engine bar when users are looking for a specific product, service, or answer to a question. To move up the search results, you will need to have content that features these keywords at an appropriate density, naturally crafted into the content.
The Key to Effective Keywords is Proper Research
Each search engine uses a complicated set of algorithms, to help pull pages to the forefront for the reader, that best embody what they are searching for. This includes using robot scouts to analyze content for specific keywords and keyword phrases. The better the match, the higher your site will appear on results. When you perform proper keyword research, you will research your target audience and determine what keywords and phrases they are more likely to use. If you have chosen effective keywords, you will not only draw more traffic to your website but also be attracting the market that is more likely to utilize your offered products or services.
How to Perform Effective Keyword Research
They are several steps you can follow during your keyword research that will help you select keywords that will better target your desired audience.
Create a list of keywords: Start by creating a list of potential keywords that you think your audience will use to search for your product or service.
Pare down your list using a research tool: Multiple keyword research tools allow you to search your list of keywords to determine whether they are likely to rank high. These tools may also show you better combinations of the keywords to score higher rankings.
Remove keywords that may be too broad: With your newest list, eliminate keywords that might be considered too broad, or draw a lot of competition. Words like “pizza” are likely to return so many results it can be hard to rank high. Instead, consider “best pizza in Chicago.”
Performing the proper keyword research can help maximize the efficiency of your internet marketing campaign, drawing more visitors to your website and providing you with more leads.
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Waqid at Clicked Solutions is very good at what he does. He took the time to explain the hows and whys that mystify SEO so that I could understand it. He stays on top of changes and updates to search engine algorithms to ensure his clients are using the most current and accepted practices. I also like that Clicked Solutions is willing to try out new types of online marketing and find ways to track the data so that the real value or lack thereof can be identified. Thank you for all of your help, Waqid & Jennifer!
Clicked Solutions has been handling my pay per click campaign, SEO and website creation and changes to my website for 7 years. Waqid knows what he is doing! My results are consistent. He can tract results down to the recorded phone call of my staff talking to the prospective new clients when they call in. If there ever is a problem, he can figure out what the issue is right away. I had a different person handling my account before Waqid and he that individual was not able to do that. I have been successful in my business as result of the hard work that Waqid and his staff and done on my behalf. I highly recommend Clicked Solutions for your internet advertising needs in whatever industry or service business that you are in.
Waqid and the staff at Clicked Solutions are amazing. They have done a phenomenal job with my web site, my SEO, and my Google campaign. They are always on top of things, and go above and beyond to make sure that they are doing everything they possibly can to increase my business. I would absolutely recommend them to anyone who wants true personal service and a company that actually cares about whether or not they are effective for your company. Holli Palmer
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